Support our Non-Profit Organization's Mission with Your Generosity

At our non-profit organization, we sincerely appreciate the tremendous generosity demonstrated by our donors and funders. Their unwavering support has been invaluable in helping us fulfill our mission and make a meaningful impact in the community we serve. If you too share our commitment and would like to contribute to our cause, we offer several options for showing your support. Please explore the choices detailed below and select the one that resonates most with you:

Donate to ULON

  • Donate by Mail

    Make check payable to ULON and mail to ULON

    P.O. Box 19561, Chicago, Illinois, 60619

  • Electronic Bank Payments (ACH Transfers)

    Contact us to get started.

  • Employer Match Program

    Employees: Ask if your company has a matching gifts program. Your donation can go twice as far if you submit it with your employer's matching gift form. Contact us if you have questions regarding the process.

    Employers: Matching your employees’ gifts to ULON makes you a strong partner and advocate for the mission of guiding formerly incarcerated persons towards an honest living.

  • Gifts In Memory or Honor

    Has someone in your life inspired you? Donating to ULON can honor or remember them while supporting job seekers in need. Consider giving a gift in honor or memory of a loved one, Contact us today.


No matter which option you choose, your contribution, big or small, will help us continue our vital work and positively impact countless lives. We are immensely grateful for your consideration and support. Together, let's strive towards a brighter and more compassionate future!